Rae Bowen Therapy

Reducing Pain, Stiffness, Stress & Anxiety

Reducing Pain, Stiffness, Stress & Anxiety

Reducing Pain, Stiffness, Stress & Anxiety

Get Balanced With Bowen

Ever wondered why some of us are more prone to injury than others?

And by injury I don’t just mean out on the sports field or pounding the pavements but any pain and discomfort we experience from day to day tasks like walking, gardening or driving. Not to mention those of us who sit for long periods of a working day in front of a computer screen.

Why is it that for some people they can drive for hours, not suffer a single tweak and spring out of the car fresh as a daisy, but for others just a 20 minute journey can result in lower back, shoulder or neck pain?

Well, it’s likely that posture will play its part. But posture can be greatly influenced by imbalances between muscle groups. Some muscles become overly tight and restrictive while their opposite numbers become weak.  If this happens to you it is very likely that you will be more prone to injury.

But we still haven’t answered why this happens. Chances are that the connective tissue, known as fascia, which surrounds all muscles, tendons and ligaments and even all of our internal organs, has become full of tension. Fascia is our cushioning material sitting just under the skin and is the main player when it comes to how we move: it’s the fascia that makes us feel crossing our arms one way is ‘correct’ but the opposite way is alien.

bowen-296-vc-kneeAs the tight muscles get tighter the fascia grows too thus reinforcing the imbalance. The imbalance in turn creates more tension. Whilst it’s quite easy to recognise tight muscles and look to soften them with massage or stretching, it’s difficult to do this for ourselves to release the tension in the fascia.

This is where the Bowen Technique comes in. Primarily a fascial release technique, Bowen uses an extremely gentle approach which aims to prompt the body’s innate ability to repair. To you and me this means relieving stiffness, restriction and imbalance without the need for deep pressure or manipulation.

And because the Technique treats the body as a whole we can be releasing restrictions in any part of the fascia, allowing you to experience pain relief and improvement of function as well as a deep sense of relaxation.

So, if any this resonates with you and you are wondering why you seem prone to injury, is it time you tried some Bowen Technique?